From beginner to Advanced

All Skill Levels
7:00pm – 8:30pm
  • ­Casual: $25
  • ­5 week course: $100


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Our Levels

Intro to Tango

For absolute beginners, no experience needed. Over two 5 week courses we will introduce you to the fundamentals of tango, the walk, embrace and simple figures to get you dance ready. After the Intro to Tango course you can enter Level 1. No partner required

Level 1

Completion of Intro to Tango or equivalent experience. 5 week courses with rotating themes introducing you to more complex movements in Tango including pivots and turns. Each theme will explore technique of the element and some ideas to incorporate them into your dance.

Level 2

Completion of several Level 1 courses or equivalent experience. In Level 2 we develop a deeper understanding of techniques, experiment with options and musicality. You will be ready to work with more complex combinations with a focus on posture, connection and floorcraft.

Level 3

A good understanding of the fundamentals of Tango, walk, cross system, turns etc. This Pre-Milonga class challenges you to refine your movement while combining elements, deep integration and expression of music in the dance.